Friday, May 15, 2009

Week 2, Day 1

Friday - Core Synergistics (for the second time)

Friday (today) has been a little up and down for me. I woke up feeling pretty tired and have felt a little draggy all day. We have eaten really well today though, and the second time of doing Core Synergistics I think I liked it even better because I knew the moves better. Its a really awesome workout. Me likey. On a side note, me and Erik have both noticed that our arm muscles are way more defined and its been a week. A week! That's crazy. So not sure where this is going, but I think its gonna be good. Ok, here's rundown on today's meals:

Breakfast: Sausage muffin and skim milk
Post-workout recovery drink: Protein powder, frozen banana, little milk, ice..yum!
Lunch: Island pork tenderloin salad - P90x recipe. This was good too.
Snack: Half a protein bar, coffee with (bad) flavored creamer. oh well! It was good. :)
Dinner: Chicken tacos, tortilla soup Our own recipe but according to P90x portions.

That's it. I'm feeling really good after one week of this. Stronger, healthier, and surprisingly not hungry. I'm starting to lose some of my cravings and am getting more excited for going to the beach in a month! :)

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