Friday, May 15, 2009

Week 1, Days 6-7

Ok, I'm doing a group post to catch up, since the point of this is not to spend tons of time on it if I slack off. I'm spending time doing the workouts! Which is more important. Anyway, the workouts for the last three days...

Wednesday - Kenpo X
Thursday - Stretch X

Wednesday started off great, ate pretty well for breakfast and lunch, but knew I was going to a party that night for LOST. So, I made a pork tenderloin for the party and knew that that would be the main part of our meal. The Kenpo workout was awesome, really kick-ass. I really liked it and honestly didn't think it was that hard because I've done lots of kickboxing classes at my gym before. Anyway, it was still a good workout. Definitely overate at the party, but I was allowing myself to go "off plan" for this one night. I drank about 3 beers (more than I was planning on..isn't that how it always goes..) and a cupcake and a brownie. Um, yeah, not exactly P90x. And, unfortunately I feel that I ended up paying for it on Thurday because I felt kind of bloated and crappy. Hmmm...could what I eat determine how I'm feeling? yeah, Maybe. :) Anyway, in the end I still ate way better than I would have if not doing P90x.

Thursday was a recovery day, in more than one way. I ate on plan for breakfast and lunch, a cheese scramble, banana, turkey bacon for breakfast, crab salad for lunch, and then dinner was a healthy choice. I just didn't have the energy to cook for dinner. We did the stretch workout which was a whole hour of just stretching, but it did feel good. Tony can be pretty convincing that stretching is really important, and I haven't been all that sore which I think is due to the warm-ups, cool-downs and stretching in general built in to all of the workouts.

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