Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 1, Day 3

So I'm posting about yesterday so the details might be a little fuzzy. This day started off good and then went a little downhill, but then I rallied. This was "arms and shoulders" day plus "ab ripper X". We got up, had breakfast, waited a bit and then did our workout. It was a pretty intense arm and shoulder workout, but I felt like I wasn't quite pushing myself as far as I could have. I think next time instead of using 5 lb. weights I'll try 8's for at least some of the exercises. Also, by the time we got to the ab ripper I was totally running out of gas and stopped half-way through because I just couldn't make myself do it. Speaking of which, the ab ripper workout is insanely hard. I want to try it again when I'm not so tired and see if I think the same thing.

Meals today were pretty good overall, I just had a stomach ache at the beginning of the day and had to adjust my meals accordingly so it didn't get too bad. I have IBS so I have to be a little careful about what and when I eat certain foods.

Breakfast: Chicken scramble, turkey bacon, and half an orange (or juice but we just ate the orange)
Recovery drink: protein powder, water, blended
Snack: Half a banana
Lunch: Shrimp stir-fry with lots of veggies. I added some white rice to help my tummy.
Dinner: Halibut with homemade pesto, zucchini and rice (I just ate half the amount of rice since I had some at lunch)
Snack: Half a protein bar. FYI, we got these zone bars at target - chocolate caramel something? and they are freaking amazing. SOOOO good. yum.

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