Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 1, Day 4

Today I was feeling really great all day. I feel like my body is already starting to look and feel better from the extra healthy food and more likely lack of alcohol and sugar, and extra carbs. The workouts are obviously good too, but I think the food might have a faster mental/physical effect on me. I also have been sleeping really well probably because I'm exhausted, but also my stomach seems to me more settled than it is sometimes when I drink too much or eat too much sugar in the evenings.

The workout today was Yoga X (everything basically has an X). I was gearing up for this because my friend Matt told me it was an hour and a half, so I knew what I was in for. I have taken about 5 yoga classes before that were pretty intense, but definitely not as intense as this workout. This was some serious yoga. I was about ready to call it a day about half-way through the workout, but once we were done with the vinyasa portion or the workout we did lots of static poses that were a bit easier (for me). Overall it was a really great workout, even though Tony is a bit of a spazz for leading a yoga class. I'm a little sore every day so far, but nothing that has kept me from working out.

I also think today was maybe the best meals we have had so far. Really good all around.

Breakfast: Sausage muffin (veggie sausage, whole wheat english muffin, light swiss cheese), glass of skim milk
After workout: Recovery drink - Protein powder, frozen strawberries, water, ice and a spoonful of ff cottage cheese
Lunch: Steak and arugula salad
Snack: Protein bar
Dinner: Chicken with honey chile sauce, zucchini, and rice (supposed to have quinoa but don't have any and we still have rice leftover from the last few days)


  1. your biceps look awesome already! :)

  2. My main issue with Tony as the "voice" of P90X is that he's just way too spazzy. I get where he's coming from and why he talks the way he does -- he's equal parts salesman and inspirational spokesperson, as well as someone who's trying to motivate his audience. But couldn't they have gotten someone a little less "on" for yoga? Talk about hard to clear your mind...
