Sunday, May 17, 2009

Week 2, Day 3

Today was another good day. We didn't have our workout planned until later in the day, so I had all day to do other things which was awesome. The workout was arms & shoulders and then the dreaded ab ripper x. I did heavier weights this week for the arm/shoulder workout and could do more of ab ripper. Someday I'll be able to get through the whole routine...maybe next week :)

Breakfast: Crab scramble..yum!
Snack: Cottage cheese and dried cherries
Lunch: Open-face turkey, butternut squash soup and coleslaw
Snack: Recovery drink, balance bar
Dinner: Tilapia, couscous, broccoli

Week 2, Day 2

Saturday was a great day. It was a cardio workout which I really like - really did kick my butt, but in a good way. We went out to lunch and were still able to really stay pretty much on plan, while enjoying a meal out, which was nice. Also had a Coors Light last night before dinner.

Breakfast: Chicken and spinach scramble
Snack: Recovery Drink, Coffee, string cheese
Lunch: Baja Salad with blackened tilapia
Dinner: Beer, Lemon garlic chicken, rice, veggies
Snack: Half-powerbar

Friday, May 15, 2009

Week 1, Day 5

Ok, this was a lost day in my memory, but I know we did legs and back. I'm sure I could figure out what I ate but at this point I don't really care. Anyway, legs and back was pretty intense. I tried to do the pull-ups on the bar and couldn't, but even pulling my weight up while supporting myself on a chair was really hard! So I could tell that it was still working. Also, I learned that i am a beast at wall squats. Exciting, I know ;) That's it!

Week 2, Day 1

Friday - Core Synergistics (for the second time)

Friday (today) has been a little up and down for me. I woke up feeling pretty tired and have felt a little draggy all day. We have eaten really well today though, and the second time of doing Core Synergistics I think I liked it even better because I knew the moves better. Its a really awesome workout. Me likey. On a side note, me and Erik have both noticed that our arm muscles are way more defined and its been a week. A week! That's crazy. So not sure where this is going, but I think its gonna be good. Ok, here's rundown on today's meals:

Breakfast: Sausage muffin and skim milk
Post-workout recovery drink: Protein powder, frozen banana, little milk, ice..yum!
Lunch: Island pork tenderloin salad - P90x recipe. This was good too.
Snack: Half a protein bar, coffee with (bad) flavored creamer. oh well! It was good. :)
Dinner: Chicken tacos, tortilla soup Our own recipe but according to P90x portions.

That's it. I'm feeling really good after one week of this. Stronger, healthier, and surprisingly not hungry. I'm starting to lose some of my cravings and am getting more excited for going to the beach in a month! :)

Week 1, Days 6-7

Ok, I'm doing a group post to catch up, since the point of this is not to spend tons of time on it if I slack off. I'm spending time doing the workouts! Which is more important. Anyway, the workouts for the last three days...

Wednesday - Kenpo X
Thursday - Stretch X

Wednesday started off great, ate pretty well for breakfast and lunch, but knew I was going to a party that night for LOST. So, I made a pork tenderloin for the party and knew that that would be the main part of our meal. The Kenpo workout was awesome, really kick-ass. I really liked it and honestly didn't think it was that hard because I've done lots of kickboxing classes at my gym before. Anyway, it was still a good workout. Definitely overate at the party, but I was allowing myself to go "off plan" for this one night. I drank about 3 beers (more than I was planning on..isn't that how it always goes..) and a cupcake and a brownie. Um, yeah, not exactly P90x. And, unfortunately I feel that I ended up paying for it on Thurday because I felt kind of bloated and crappy. Hmmm...could what I eat determine how I'm feeling? yeah, Maybe. :) Anyway, in the end I still ate way better than I would have if not doing P90x.

Thursday was a recovery day, in more than one way. I ate on plan for breakfast and lunch, a cheese scramble, banana, turkey bacon for breakfast, crab salad for lunch, and then dinner was a healthy choice. I just didn't have the energy to cook for dinner. We did the stretch workout which was a whole hour of just stretching, but it did feel good. Tony can be pretty convincing that stretching is really important, and I haven't been all that sore which I think is due to the warm-ups, cool-downs and stretching in general built in to all of the workouts.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 1, Day 4

Today I was feeling really great all day. I feel like my body is already starting to look and feel better from the extra healthy food and more likely lack of alcohol and sugar, and extra carbs. The workouts are obviously good too, but I think the food might have a faster mental/physical effect on me. I also have been sleeping really well probably because I'm exhausted, but also my stomach seems to me more settled than it is sometimes when I drink too much or eat too much sugar in the evenings.

The workout today was Yoga X (everything basically has an X). I was gearing up for this because my friend Matt told me it was an hour and a half, so I knew what I was in for. I have taken about 5 yoga classes before that were pretty intense, but definitely not as intense as this workout. This was some serious yoga. I was about ready to call it a day about half-way through the workout, but once we were done with the vinyasa portion or the workout we did lots of static poses that were a bit easier (for me). Overall it was a really great workout, even though Tony is a bit of a spazz for leading a yoga class. I'm a little sore every day so far, but nothing that has kept me from working out.

I also think today was maybe the best meals we have had so far. Really good all around.

Breakfast: Sausage muffin (veggie sausage, whole wheat english muffin, light swiss cheese), glass of skim milk
After workout: Recovery drink - Protein powder, frozen strawberries, water, ice and a spoonful of ff cottage cheese
Lunch: Steak and arugula salad
Snack: Protein bar
Dinner: Chicken with honey chile sauce, zucchini, and rice (supposed to have quinoa but don't have any and we still have rice leftover from the last few days)

Week 1, Day 3

So I'm posting about yesterday so the details might be a little fuzzy. This day started off good and then went a little downhill, but then I rallied. This was "arms and shoulders" day plus "ab ripper X". We got up, had breakfast, waited a bit and then did our workout. It was a pretty intense arm and shoulder workout, but I felt like I wasn't quite pushing myself as far as I could have. I think next time instead of using 5 lb. weights I'll try 8's for at least some of the exercises. Also, by the time we got to the ab ripper I was totally running out of gas and stopped half-way through because I just couldn't make myself do it. Speaking of which, the ab ripper workout is insanely hard. I want to try it again when I'm not so tired and see if I think the same thing.

Meals today were pretty good overall, I just had a stomach ache at the beginning of the day and had to adjust my meals accordingly so it didn't get too bad. I have IBS so I have to be a little careful about what and when I eat certain foods.

Breakfast: Chicken scramble, turkey bacon, and half an orange (or juice but we just ate the orange)
Recovery drink: protein powder, water, blended
Snack: Half a banana
Lunch: Shrimp stir-fry with lots of veggies. I added some white rice to help my tummy.
Dinner: Halibut with homemade pesto, zucchini and rice (I just ate half the amount of rice since I had some at lunch)
Snack: Half a protein bar. FYI, we got these zone bars at target - chocolate caramel something? and they are freaking amazing. SOOOO good. yum.