Saturday, May 9, 2009

Week 1, Day 2

So day 2 is almost over. Today was a little harder in terms of planning because we were traveling most of the day and eating on the plan was kind of challenging. The workout was Cardio X which I actually really liked. It reminded me of a mix of other aerobic workouts I have done in the past, just slightly more intense. I'm a little sore, but nothing crazy. We'll see how I feel in the morning.

I was also definitely hungrier today, not sure if its because its the second day or just the combination of foods today. I was craving carbs and sweets a little more than yesterday but I think its also because I'm in serious PMS mode (sorry if thats tmi). Anyway, here's what I ate today..

Breakfast: Protein shake with berries, skim milk and bananas
Recover drink: Protein powder with water and ice, blended
Lunch: Chicken salad (P90x recipe) with greens
Snack: Half-protein bar
Snack II: String cheese
Dinner: Some carrots and strawberries, turkey and gravy, butternut squash soup, sweet potato, and green beans, and (dessert..yeah) half a protein bar
Late snack (we ate dinner around 7 and I was still some watermelon and half a protein bar.

Tomorrow we are doing arms and shoulders (i think) and ab ripper.

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