Friday, May 8, 2009

Week 1, Day 1

Well, its almost over...the first day of P90X! Me and my husband are doing P90X Lean, which basically just means it has a bit more cardio and a little less upper body work than the "classic" or the (insane) "doubles" programs. The first thing so far that has struck me is the sheer amount of food that you're supposed to eat. Its crazy! Its really healthy, but I'm just not used to eating that much. For the first 30 days you eat a lot of protein and not many carbs, so that will take some getting used to, but I was definitely not hungry at all.

The workout today was "core synergistics" - about a 55 min. workout that was pretty intense. We both sweated a lot and I think will even more once we get the moves down a bit more. I liked the workout mainly because there are many levels that you can do all of the moves, so even if you can't do the most intense option there are still ways to get something out of it.

Food journal for the day:
Breakfast: Mushroom scramble - 6 egg whites, mushrooms, tomato, gr. onion, l.f. mozzarella, 8 oz. ff cottage cheese (basically a shitload of cottage cheese) and a cup of strawberries. I could barely finish the scramble and save d the cottage cheese and strawberries for later, which I mixed together and froze because I am weird...but...
Recovery drink: Protein powder plus skim milk plus some frozen strawberries and cottage cheese. This was so good!! I bought this brand of protein powder called Aria I think? Its from TJs and is specifically for women, and less caloric that the other metrx stuff. I thought it was really yummy made with my fancy stick blender.
I was supposed to eat a bar also but was so not hungry so I didn't.
Lunch: Chef salad with basically the most meat and cheese I've ever eaten in a salad. It also had hearts of palm which are really freaking good, a little avocado, a little low-fat ranch, and some other veggies. Super good, but I also had to eat it in two sittings because it was so much food.
Snack: Almonds, I think I ate more than I was supposed to, 1 oz, so next time I'm just going to eat half that.
Dinner: Roasted red pepper soup from scratch that was amazing! Salmon with lemon dill sauce (wa- wah....blah.) and asparagus and wild rice. Soup was definitely the best part of dinner. I over cooked the salmon which made me very sad.
Dessert...dessert? Well, I use the term loosely for a plan that basically doesn't involve sugar..but I ate half a peanut balance bar since I didn't eat it earlier and wanted something sweet.
Oh, and like a gazillion cups of water. And like a half a cup of coffee with some 2% milk. '

Like I said, tons-o-food, but not many carbs, so I guess that's how it doesn't add up to being like a million calories. It was definitely filling and I'm looking forward to tomorrow...and even more to like 2 weeks from now to see if my jeans aren't quite so tight.

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